AGE Signs Agreement To Represent Constellation NewEnergy – Gas Division

Affordable Gas & Electric Company, LLC, (AGE) announced today, that it has entered into an agreement to represent Constellation NewEnergy – Gas Division, allowing AGE to bring competitive natural gas prices to customers throughout Ameren, IL’s utility area. “Businesses in Ameren’s utility area have the ability to choose a natural gas supplier rather than staying [...]

By |2017-05-18T19:56:51+00:00September 28th, 2012|Recent news|Comments Off on AGE Signs Agreement To Represent Constellation NewEnergy – Gas Division

Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce To Coordinate Exclusive Bulk Electricity Purchase For Its’ Membership

The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Affordable Gas & Electric Company (a Mt. Vernon based licensed energy broker/consultant) is coordinating a bulk purchase of electricity through Ameren Energy Marketing (a licensed retail energy supplier) on behalf of JCCC members who choose to participate in the Open Enrollment. The free to opt-in program [...]

By |2017-05-18T19:56:51+00:00September 27th, 2012|Recent news|Comments Off on Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce To Coordinate Exclusive Bulk Electricity Purchase For Its’ Membership

AGE Receives ABC License and Signs Agreement to Represent Ameren Energy Marketing

Affordable Gas & Electric Company, LLC, (AGE) announced today, that it has been awarded an ABC License from the Illinois Commerce Commission.  Additionally, the company announced it has entered into a relationship with Ameren Energy Marketing, as a licensed broker, with the ability to represent Ameren Energy Marketing to commercial and industrial customers throughout Ameren’s [...]

By |2017-05-18T19:56:51+00:00September 6th, 2012|Recent news|Comments Off on AGE Receives ABC License and Signs Agreement to Represent Ameren Energy Marketing

Competitive Natural Gas Choices Now Available for Local Business Owners

Affordable Gas & Electric Company, LLC, (AGE) announced today, that it has secured relationships with multiple natural gas suppliers to provide competitive natural gas supply to business owners throughout Central and Southern Illinois communities. “There is a small window of opportunity for us to help local business owners and industrial users of natural gas manage [...]

By |2012-08-21T22:00:43+00:00August 21st, 2012|Recent news|Comments Off on Competitive Natural Gas Choices Now Available for Local Business Owners